
.......Lie,...........Presentation, the denominator



 -Malposition: O.P 20%, ROP 18% & LOP 2%. (why?)

 -Malpresentation: -Face 1/200

                              -Brow 1/2000

                              -Shoulder : 1/200

                              -Breech: At 28 weeks = 35%, At F.T 3.5%









First -   LA












Third-  RP












'*' Denotes the commonest positions.Note that Sc.A & S.A positions are common so that the concavity of the fetus fits into the convesity of maternal lordosis.



 I)Faults in the passage:

1-Contracted pelvis:

-Android & Anthropoid pelvis are the commonest cause of OP

-Flat pelvis turns OP to 2ry face (Comonest cause of face)

-CP is not a cause of breech, only association in 15% of cases.

2.Vertebral column abnormalities:

-Kyphosis=>OP due to opposition of maternal & fetal spines.

3.Soft tissue abnormalities:

-Fibroid uterus.

-CUMF :    Septate uterus=>Transverse lie [shoulder]

                   Bicornuate uterus=>Breech


 II)Faults in the passenger:

1.Fetal causes:

-Prematurity is the commonest cause of breech presentation.

-Multiple pregnancy


-CFMF:      -Hydrocephalus=> Breech

                   -Anencephaly & neck tumours=>face.

2.Abnormal placental inssertion:

-Fundal=>Transversse lie


-Anterior insertion=>OP[The fetus faces the placenta]

-Placenta previa=>Transverse lie

3.Liqour abnormalities: Oligohydramnious or polyhydramnious.

4.Umbilical cord abnormalities: Short or long UC


III)Faults in the powers: Lax abdominal wall muscles & uterus.

   [Commonest cause of transverse lie]






 History & Symptoms:

  -Previous accidents,poliomyelitis,rickets,limbing,....

  -Obstetric history of previous malpresentation

  -Abdominal enlargment: Small=>Frank breech

                                         Small&from side to side=>Transverse lie.

  -FK: -Felt on one side =>Dorsoanterior position

          -Felt on both sides =>Dorsoposterior position.

  -In breech presentation a hard tender swelling is felt in the upper abd.


 Examination & Signs:

 General examination :

  -Stature , Gait ,Examniation of the back & lower limbs.


  Abdominal examination


    -Abdominal enlargment: Longitudinal or  transverse

    -Fetal movement on one or both sides.

    -Presence of  grooves:

        Subumb. groove in OP & MP

        Supraumb.groove in SP


  -Fundal level :  = Amenorrhea = Longitudinal lie

                              < Amenorrhea = Transverse lie or frank breech


  -Fundal Grip  :

      *Breech occupies the fundus =>Cephalic presentation

      *Head occupies the fundus => Breech presentation

      *Empty =>Transverse lie = Shoulder presenttation

 Head:    Small,Hard,Regular,Tender,+ve ballotment

 Breech: Large,Soft,Irregular,Not tender, No ballotment.               


  -Umbilical grip:

   *Back to one side ,Limbs on the other => Dorsoanterior position

   *Limbs on both sides=>Dorsopoosterior position

   *Back on both sides=> Frank breech ,as the splinted limb is mistaken

                                        for a back [smooth,regular,no Knobs]

   *Head to one side, breech on the other =>Shoulder presentation.


  -First pelvic grip:

    *Breech = Breech presentation

    *Empty = Shoulder presentation

    *Head = Cephalic presentation =>


               Face presentation

Brow present.





Small receeding head.

Horse shoe structure is felt

Occiput felt higher than sinciput

Occiput & sinciput felt at the same level


  -Second pelvic grip:

   Non engagment of the presenting part .Except in cases of frank breech.


Auscultation of FHS:see diagram

*Above umb.=Breech/ *Below umb.=Ceph/*At umb.=Shoulder or Frank Br.

*To the Right or left according to position

*Near umb. = anterior position/*Away from umb.= posterior position





B/During labor

Exactly as durin pregnancy,In addition P/V examination is done and will show:

1-Early in labor:

 -Uterine inertia resulting in slow cervical dilatation

 -Prolonged first stage.

 -Abnormally tense bag of forewaters

 -Early ROM

 -Risk of cord prolapse.


2.Late in labor the presenting part is felt:


OP=>Posterior fontanelle directed posteriorly


Face=>2Maxilla,Chin, mouth known by suckling

Breech=>2ischial tuberosities,sacrum ,anus known by meconium

Shoulder=>acromion,clavicle&humerus+axilla Known by ribs.


Hand: No Heel,long mobile fingers,thumb at different line

Foot: Heel,short fingers all at same line with limited mobility


Elbow:Pointed ,no patella

Knee: Flat with patella


Brow: Chin is not felt


Mechanism of labor

 1.X-Y diameter descends and engages in the oblique diameter of the pelvic inlet.

 2.Increased flexion in OP, or increased extension in face.

 3.X meets the pelvic floor & rotates anteriorly:

   *1/8 of a circle if X is anterior

   *3/8 if X is posterior = Long internal rotation

   Now the position is D.X.A

 4.X hinges below the SP & Y delivers then X



Problems of the mechanism of labor {Overview}

 Step 1: May not occur due to

    -Large diameter of the PP as in Brow [Mento-vertical 13.5 cm]

   -Absence of a PP as in Shoulder presentation

 Step 2: Deflexion in OP & incomplete extension in MP .

  Step 3: Failure of long anterior rotation in OP & MP Leads to:

      -POP or PMP = no mechanism for both

      -DTA = No mechanism for both

      -DOP or DMP= DOP delivers as face to pubis, DMP no mechanism

Long internal rotation fails to occur due to:

 1.CP,Soft tissue obstruction

 2.Macrosomia,drained liqour, Deflexed head in OP or incomplete extension in face (O/M meet PF then S [DTA] or O/M&S meeet PF together [POP or PMP]or S meets PF first=>Posterior rotation of O/M [DOP orDMP]

 3.Uterine inertia.

 Step 4: Failure of exit

     -DMP hinges by the sinciput and cannot deliver the submentum as the head is fully extended



During pregnancy:............................[ECV for tr.lie]

During labor

Managment of the first stage:

 -Guard against uterine inertia by:

     -Avoid heavy sedation

    -Wise use of ecbolics

    -Evacuation of the UB & rectum

 -Guard against ROM by:

    -Patient rest.

    -Avoid excess P/V examination

    -No Bearing down

 -Guard against infection by:

    -Avoid ROM

    -Avoid excess P/V

    -Antibiotics if ROM occurs.

 -Once ROM occurs P/V & Auscultation to FHS are done to exclude cord prolapse

 -Strict intrapartum monitoring of labor.



Managment of the second stage: {Overview}

Wait for 2hrs in PG or 1 hr in MG if there is a mechanism for labor.

*Then Correct the abnormal mech:

 Step 1 : C.S is the safest. Alternatively IPV may be done for shoulder presentation

 Step 3:

 Rotation may be tried for OP by:

  Manual rotation + Forceps extraction

  Forceps rotation + Forceps extraction

  Ventouse extraction.

 Step 4 : C.S


*If dead fetus destructive operation is done.[to be avoided in neglected shoulder]


Indications for CS:

 1.Passage of the action line on partogram during the first stage


 3.Failure of rotational techniques [Some advice CS for MP with failed long internal rotation].


-The fetus is carefully examined for CFMF or traumatic injuries


Managment of the third stage:

 -Afterbirth is delivered either by consrvative or active method & carefully examined for retained parts or torn membranes


Managment of the fourth stage:

-Careful fundoperineal examination is carried out if rotation or version was attempted.

-Any tears or lacerations are carefully repaired.

-Sterile vulval pad is applied and the patient transferred to the recovery room under frequent massage of the uterus and observation of the vital data.






 1.Uterine inertia due o nonengagment

 2.Prolonged labor

 3.Maternal & fetal distress

 4.Obstructed labor & rupture of the uterus

 5.Early ROM

 6.Cord Prolapse


 8.Postpartum hemorrhage :Atonic or traumatic

 9.Puerperal sepsis :Prolonged labor, instrumental delivery



 1.Asphyxia from prolonged labor

 2.Fetal injuries

 3.Associated CFMF.
