Definition: Excess amount of A.F that interfers with normal pregnancy,labor,palpation of fetal parts or hearing FHS (±2 liters.)

U/S definition: Amniotic fluid index > 25 cm.



          Acute hydramnious: Sudden accumulation of A.F ,usually in the 2nd trimester, commonly due to uniovular twins.

          Chronic hydramnious: Gradual accumulation of A.F, usually after 28 wks, due to the usual aetiology&gradually developing CP.

















































2.Fetal causes: C.F.M.F :

1)C.N.S anomalies: Spina bifida & anencephaly, microcephaly as:

            -Exposure of choriod plexus-->CSF added to A.F.

            -Maldeveloped pituitary-->lack of ADH--> micturition

            -Exposure of cerebrospinal centre---> micturition

2)G.I.T anomalies:Tracheo-oesophageal fistula ,oesophageal & duodenal atresia as liquor is swallowed by the fetus.

3)C.V.S anomalies leading to non-immune hydrops fetalis.

4)Fetal tumours e.g Sacrococcygeal teratoma

5)Chromosomal abnormalities:as Trisomy 13,18 & Down's syn.

6)Hematological disorders e.g Homozygous alpha thalassemia

7)Intrauterine infections: e.g Rubella, Syphilis , Toxoplasmosis

8)Skeletal malformations: e.g Osteogenesis imperfecta, achondrop.






















3.Placental causes:

-Large placental or amniotic surface: e.g multiple preg.(especially uniovular),placental tumour as chorioangioma,large placenta.





















4.Maternal causes:

   1.D.M as hyperglycemia stimulates excess amnion secretion.

   2.Causes of generalized edema[cardiac,renal,hepatic,hypoprot.]

   3.Rh isoimmunization and immune hydrops fetalis.





























1-Pressure C/O






1-Uterine inertia

2-prolonged lab.





1-Puerperal sepsis


3-2ry PPHge


7-Accidental hge

8-Plac.  previa


6-Postpartum hge

7-Splanchnic shock











II.Fetal complications:



   3.IUFD or SB secondary to maternal complication.






















C/O of Ae e.g


 Acute hydramn.

Chronic hydramnious

-Previous abortion, or CFMF

+ve Family history for D.M, twin,

*Headache,blurring of vision.



-sudden Abdom. enlargment

-F.K not percieved

-Abdominal pain

-gradual Abdominal enlargment

-F.K:Hardly percieved

-Abd. discomfort


+Loin pain

.Pressure C/O: DDD























General examination

*Blood pressure & proteins in urine

edema of lower limbs

*Weight gain .


Abdominal examination

*F.L > amenorrhea

*Leopold grips show increased liqour ,fetus not felt or if felt=> malpresent.

*FHS may not be heard[A] or heard with difficulty[C]



-Skin signs: skin is glistening,stretched with dilated veins.

-Positive fluid thrill.




I.Investigations to detect a possible aetiology:e.g Blood sugar tests, Alpha fetoprotein for NTD, Amniography to detect fetal GIT anomalies

II.Investigations for polyhydramnious:

  1.U/S--> -Conclusive for hydramnious

                -May detect a fetal cause

                -Hydramnious may be classified to:

                   Mild if vertical depth of pockets = < 11cm

                   Moderate ================= 12-15 cm

                   Severe =================== > 16 cm

  2.Assessment of F.W.B. during pregnancy:....................

III.Investigations for a possible complication: e.g Urine analysis for Proteins, C&S for urinary tract infections,Kidney fn. tests.

DD: Causes of F.L > amenorrhea . Ascitis . Acute abdomen.















Conservation of pregnancy



Termination of pregnancy

1.Exclude CFMF.

2.Treatment of the cause e.g

3.If no cause is found : Bed rest + Diet +Sedation .

4.Follow up of mother:

-Regular evaluation of symptoms

-Serial F.L & Abdominal girth assessment

-Serial U/S evaluation.

5.Follow up of the fetus:

-Regular evaluation of the fetal condition by assessment of F.W.B


*.Moderate symptomatic cases may benefit by indomethacin therapy[Pg synthetase inhibitor ---> fetal UOP]

*.Markedly symptomatic cases are reliefed by amniocentesis .Not more than 500cc /tap are removed to avoid preterm delivery.




-Mature fetus

-Fetal distress or CFMF [NC]

-Patient in labour

-Acute polyhydramnious

-Chronic not responding to ttt

Method :

Vaginal delivery is allowed by correcting fetal presentation then performing AROM with slow drainage of AF, the PP evetually fits into the pelvis.Labor then continues under careful monit..

-C.S is indicated if: Failure of correction of malpres. or  AOI

Postpartum care:

a-Of the mother:

-Control of D.M if present

-Supression of lactation if IUFD or S.B or CFMF

-Contraceptive advice ?

b-Of  the neonate: Care of Premature/look for CFMF





Decrease in AF volume interfering  with normal preg.or lab.

U/S def.: AFI < 5cm or absence of an AF pocket measuring > 1cm vd.



1.Undetected PROM - Leakage following amniocentesis.

2.CFMF:         -Renal anomalies e.g agenesis(Potter's syndrome),UT dysplasia or obstruction, Congenital polycystic kidney.

                        -Nonrenal anomalies: Triploidy, Thyroid gland agenesis.

3.Fetal growth retardation

5.Post maturity [not simple postdate]

4.Drugs as indomethacin [used as tocolytic]



Clinical picture:

C/O:Slow abd. enlargment,+/-F.K.,+/-ROM

O/E:FL<amenorrhea,easy palpation of fetal parts&auscultation of FHS



1.During pregnancy:

  1.Malpresentation commonly breech with failure of ECV.

  2.Amniotic fluid bands.

  3.Pressure on the fetus-->talipes equinovarus,stiff joints....

  4.Lung hypoplasia [cause or result.How?]

2.During labor:

  1.Slow cx dilatation-->prolonged labor...

  2.Cord compression&excess retraction-->fetal distress or death.

  3.Complications of malpresentation....?



  1.To detect a cause(especially PROM)

  2.U/S : May show fetal aetiology, IUGR , PLacental insufficiency.

  3.Assessment of FWB : [85% of IUGR are associated with oligohyd.]



  I.During pregnancy:Exclude CFMF./ PROM./ Fetal distress.

 II.During labor: careful intrapartum monitoring is important (Why?)

     Indications of C.S:    1.Fetal distress or prolonged labor.




Definition: Rupture of the membranes before the onset of true labor.

-Preterm PROM = PROM < 37wks.

-Latent period = interval between ROM to onset of labor.


Incidence: +/- 10% PROM. +/- 2% PPROM



 1.Vagina&cx:Incomptent cx,cx. anomalies,cevicitis,vaginitis.how?

 2.Membranes: Inherent weakness of the membranes.

 3.Liqour : -Increased intraamniotic pressure as in hydramnious.

                 -Infection [amnionitis]

 4.Fetus : Malpresentations,Nonengagment(?),Multiple pregnancy .

 5.Maternal : deficiency of vit C,Cu,Zn. Smoking.

 6.Iatrogenic : as with version, amniocentesis or during cerclage .

 7.Sexual intercouse--> Pg from semen +/- introduction of infection.




  A-During pregnancy: Abortion - PMD - Infection(chorioamnionitis).

  B-During labor :-->Dry labor=prolonged->infections->pphge&sepsis.


  1.Prematurity with all its complications.

  2.Congenital & neonatal infections.

  3.Oligohydramnious with all its complications.

  4.Malpresentation [cause or result]

  5.Cord prolapse.

  6.Accidental hge especially if ROM in polyhydramnious.




C/O of Ae e.g

C/Oof complication

Mian presentation

Following coitus ECV, ...

Past history of PMD

 FAHM = Infection , abd. pain of PMD or infection.

-Vag. discharge: Sudden gush of watery fluid from the vagina followed by reduction of the size of the abdomen & better perception of fetal kicks.
























General examination

FAHM  infection if occurs


Abdominal examination

*F.L <amenorrhea

*Leopold grips fetus easily palpated , Decreased amount of liqour

*FHS easily heard



Local examination

 (NO T.O.P = NO P/V)

 Instead Sterile speculum ex is done for:

      a)Inspection of fluid leaking out from the cervix.

      b)Swab is taken from the cx. canal for C&S.

      c)Exclude cord prolapse, inspect cervical changes.

      d)Samlple of AF taken to test for fetal maturity.[How?]


Characteristics of amniotic fluid:

  Watery, clear or turbid, alkaline, (Thus it turns nitrazine paper blue), contains fetal cells, +ve ferning, white residue on evaporation .




-For diagnosis of ROM:

          1.U/S-----> Diagnosis oligohydramnious + ............

          2.Dye test : 1ml of sterile solution of 5% flourescine inected into the amniotic cavity and tested for in the vaginal fluid.

          3.Testing leaking fluid for contents of AF e.g fetal fibronectin, alpha feto-protein


For diagnosis of complications:

1.Blood tests for infection: ESR , total &differential WBC count,

  C-reactive protein on admission then day after day for follow up.

2.C&S from the cx for fear of infection.

3.Assessment of fetal wellbeing.




 I.Prophylactic ttt:

   1.Proper ttt of cervicitis & vaginitis,better before pregnancy starts.

   2.Cerclage ttt of cervical incompetence.

   3.Bed rest & vaginal instructions for the high risk.















Conservation of pregnancy


Termination of pregnancy

1.Hospitalization & bed rest.



No P/V,No vag. douching + sterile vulval pad.

If vag.cerclage--> must be removed


3.Monitoring of the mother for:

i.Onset of labor.

ii.Temperature chart / 4 hrs.

iii.Total & differential WBC count   every other day.

iv.Signs&symptoms of infection.


4.Monitoring of the fetus for:

i.FHS / 12hrs [>160bpm = infection]

ii.F.W.B twice weekly.   

iii.Fetal maturity tests when TOP is decided.




-Mature fetus [L/S ratio > 2 ]

-Fetal distress or CFMF [NC]

-Patient in labour

-Evidence of chorioamnionitis.

-Fetus remote from term with drained liqour( <26wks).


Method : *Vaginal delivery has better maternal prognosis than C.S

  *C.S is indicated if-Living fetus + Ch.amnionitis & remote from delivery

       TOP is done under cover of AB.


Postpartum care of the mother:   1.Hospitalization&Prophylactic AB continued 48hrs PP.

2.Guard against pphge & p.sepsis.

Of the fetus:

   1.Managment of premature.

   2.Swabs are taken from nose , throat, ear for C&S.

   3.If ROM>24 Hrs-->may give prophylactic AB.


5. Controversial Medications during conservation of pregnancy:

      A.Antibiotics as prophylaxis ?:

         with------> May have prophylactic effect till TOP

         aginst-----> Masks diagnosis of early infection .

      B.B-sympathomimetics ?:

         against---> Mask signs of early infection+Inhibits labor which is considered the initial sign of infection+Makes VD difficult.

         with--->? short term use to delay labor for 24 hrs till lung maturity is enhanced by Crst

   C.Corticosteroids ?:

      against----> Flaring of infection

      with----> Only short term use + risk of RDS(no ttt)>infection



Acute inflammation of the chorion&amnion in late preg.



1.Routes of infection:

 1.Ascending infection from vagina or cx or during P/V ex.

 2.Blood born or transplacental e.g Listeria amnionitis.

 3.Descending infection via the tubes but this is remotely possible.


 Vaginal flora, E.Coli, Aerobic&anaerobic strept.,staph,Listeria monocytogenes,bacteroids,closteridia,+/-chlamydia.

3.Predisposing factors:

 1.Presence of F.B = tape of cerclage, IUD.

 2.Invasive procedures = amniocentesis,amniography,fetoscopy..

 3.PROM & deficient cervical plug(as in incomptent cx)

 4.General maternal cause e.g D.M.


Complications of chorioamnionitis:


   1.Bacteremia, septicemia, pyaemia=>Septic shock.=>DIC=>ARF

   5.Prolonged labor.

   6.Puerperium ; 3 S

 II.Fetal:-swallows&excretes infected liqour-

   Congenital pneumonia, Entritis, Meningitis, Umb.stump infection...


 Symptoms: History of a PF followed by FAHM with abdominal pain and lately offensive vaginal discharge.

 Signs:   Fever, tachycardia, tachypnea.

             Tender uterus & uterine contractions+fetaltachycardia.

             Offensive vaginal discharge.

 + CP of maternal complication.



1.Prophylactic managment: Avoid PROM.HOW?

2.Active: AB + TOP

  Antibiotics: Route / Regimen

 TOP: After control of fever.

Method: V.D carries better maternal prognosis, However prolonged labor carries risk of complications to both mother & fetus.

          C.S is indicated if delivery is remote.